Making Sage and Lavender Incense Sticks

Making Sage and Lavender Incense 


Homemade incense sticks are a lovely way to experience the fragrance of herbs. I find sage and lavender to be quite a relaxing combination and use them in my home often. When choosing herbs for your own incense sticks I suggest using organic to avoid the chemicals that could have been sprayed onto plants. I have started growing my own sage and lavender to ensure the herbs I use are free of fertilizers or pesticides.

For this project I used two types of sage and two types lavender, but you can use others that you are fond of. I find the project works well with longer cuttings of the plants, as they are easier to wrap with string. If you are making smaller bundles, the shorter pieces may work well for you. Make a few and get a feel for wrapping them the way you like. It is an easy little project and smells wonderful while you are putting the sticks together.

Supplies you will need

  • Freshly cut herbs
  • String (I use cotton string)
  • Scissors
  • A place to hang your herbal bundle to dry


If you wash your herbs before doing this project make sure all of the water has dried before wrapping them. Arrange your cuttings together so that you can easily begin wrapping from the stem end.


Keep your grip on the bundle so it does not come apart and continue wrapping your string around the herbs until you get to the other end.


Once you have wrapped your bundle completely, tie a knot at the end. Your bundle is now ready to hang up to dry. This may take a few days up to a week to completely dry.


Once your incense stick is dry you can light the end of it. Let the stick burn for just a few moments, then blow out the flames so the herbs are smoldering. Enjoy the relaxing scent of your herbs.

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